What is AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence, which refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, problem-solving, and decision-making.

What is NLP?

NLP stands for natural language processing, which is a branch of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

What is OCR?

OCR stands for optical character recognition, which is a technology used to convert images of text into editable and searchable digital text.

What are vitals from a selfie?

Vitals from a selfie refer to the use of AI and computer vision algorithms to analyze a selfie and extract health information such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.

What is ML?

ML stands for machine learning, which is a subset of AI that involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which is a US law that establishes national standards for the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI).

What is interoperability?

Interoperability refers to the ability of different software systems to communicate and exchange data with each other seamlessly.

What is ONC?

ONC stands for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, which is a US government agency that promotes the adoption of health information technology and supports the development of health information exchange.

What is TEFCA?

TEFCA stands for Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement, which is a set of guidelines and technical specifications that aim to improve the sharing of electronic health information across different healthcare organizations and networks.

Can MedicAIze get patients' previous records?

Yes, MedicAIze is fully interoperable and can bring in patient history and, using cutting-edge technology, understand a patient’s past.

What does encrypted mean?

Encrypted means that data is converted into a code that can only be deciphered by someone with the correct decryption key. This is often used as a security measure to protect sensitive information.

Will MedicAIze release my records?

Medical records are only released to third parties when a signed HIPAA authorization allowing the transfer of records is provided.

How much does MedicAIze cost?

To learn more about pricing, please check out the package plans to find what’s suitable for you.

Can our organization white label the solution?

It may be possible for organizations to white label MedicAIze, but this may depend on the specific agreements and arrangements with the company. You may want to contact their customer support for more information.

Can a plan be canceled anytime?

It is possible to cancel your MedicAIze subscription or service at any time, though as this is a subscription service, there is no refund for purchased plans.

Do you use my data for AI learning?

MedicAIze may use data for AI learning, as this is a common practice in the development of AI systems. However, the specific policies and procedures for data usage may depend on the company’s agreements and compliance with privacy laws such as HIPAA.

What payment do you accept?

MedicAIze accepts credit cards from patients, while partners can use check, credit card, or bank transfer.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, MedicAIze offers a free trial for patients and 100 free tokens for partners to evaluate the platform.

Are medical records reviewed by doctors?

Yes, our platform is constantly being reviewed by medical professionals to ensure accuracy.

If I want to speak to a real doctor, can I?

Yes, patients can speak to a real doctor like a traditional telecare platform for an additional fee.

Can patients opt out of record sharing for treatment?

Patients may have the right to opt out of certain types of record sharing for treatment purposes. However, this may depend on the specific laws and regulations in their jurisdiction.

How secure is my data on your platform?

MedicAIze has outside IT security vendors ensuring they exceed security and privacy requirements. This means that the platform is designed with strong security measures to protect patient data.

Can I use MedicAIze for telemedicine visits?

Yes, patients can use MedicAIze for telemedicine visits, allowing them to receive medical care remotely from the comfort of their own home.

Can MedicAIze make outbound calls to check in with patients?

Yes, Partners can setup MedicAIze to make outbound “calls” and invite patients to the platform.

Can I access MedicAIze from my mobile device?

Yes, MedicAIze is accessible on mobile devices, making it easy for patients to use the platform on-the-go.

What happens if the platform doesn't know the answer?

If the platform doesn’t know the answer, you will receive a message that M.A.I.A our robot is going back to medical school to learn that topic. This means that the platform is constantly learning and improving its ability to provide accurate and helpful medical advice.

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