MedicAIze Story

MedicAIze Story

The MedicAIze Story…

MedicAIze was founded by members of the nation’s leading life insurance aggregations and analytics platform provider. With over thirty years of retrieving, normalizing and consolidating medical records and providing associated underwriting analysis functions for insurers, our leadership team realized how many people don’t visit their doctors until its too late. We decided to step up and find a solution to help people monitor their health and access relevant and helpful medical information while simultaneously lowering costs by reducing claims and fraud.

In the digital age of 2023, everyone should be able to engage a care provider 24/7 when they want and how they want. M.A.I.A by MedicAIze is the next generation Artificial Intelligence-powered robot using cutting edge patent pending technology to request, review and advise patients on health maintenance, answer common questions, and provide guidance and recommendations to identify appropriate health care professionals for follow-up.

Our CTO’s Story

Moti Mitteldorf

Born: 1977

First Policy Issued: 2000

Current Age : 45

Weight: 145 Pds

Married: 1998

Cholesterol: 160

First Child: 1999

Sugar Level: Normal


January 1st, 2023

Married: 14 years

Children: 5

Sugar Level: Elevated

Weight: 180

Cholesterol: 230

Weight: 155

Sugar Level: In Range

Cholesterol : 175

Sample Workflow

  • MedicAIze requests a session with the patient on behalf of the insurance company.
  • MedicAIze retrieves the patient’s medical records and engages the patient with triage questions for the patient to respond to.
  • MedicAIze has a virtual session with the patient.
  • MedicAIze may make health recommendations and/or advise follow-up with a medical professional who MedicAIze is able to recommend.
  • Session is reviewed by licensed medical professional.
  • Session is recorded and sent back to interoperable platform.

MedicAIze Difference

MedicAIze is a front-line triage solution for healthcare providers, insurance companies and employers to remain engaged in the health of their clients and employees as well as a convenient tool for individuals to monitor their health. MedicAIze utilizes cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence backed by licensed medical professionals.

Sample case use

Until MedicAIze – Insurance companies had no insight into the current status of their policyholders’ health absent the filing of a claim. MedicAIze creates a paradigm shift by allowing the patient to stay engaged in his or her health while providing a way for insurers to remain current as to the health of their policy-holders, thereby simultaneously lowering costs and enhancing risk analysis.

How it works – Sample Workflow

Moti is a client of Best Health Insurance Company. In order to secure a preferred health insurance premium rate, he must have at least a biannual virtual medical visit with M.A.I.A, the MedicAIze virtual Doctor. M.A.I.A will ingest the medical records from Moti’s provider, analyze it, initiate a session, ask him questions based on the clinical data sets and will learn that since he purchased his policy, he has gained 35 pounds and has had a significant increase in his cholesterol. M.A.I.A will also see that Moti was prescribed a statin and may advise Moti as to the best course for maintaining his health. All notes and recommendations are interoperable and will be accessible to Moti’s Primary Care Provider.

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